Author Archives: DKGreen

Therapists Are Human Too

One thing about being a therapist is that I’m able to work fairly quickly through my own ‘stuff’. So I’m writing this having returned to a place of relative peace (with a twinge of sadness) after having my own ‘reaction’. … Continue reading

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Annual self development circle

Annual shamanic self development course working with me, starts Sunday!

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Please note; this is a preview from my book, currently being written. © Copyright. I want to talk about feelings. I’m a psychotherapist and also a shamanic practitioner with decades of personal exploration, journeying and self development, so I deal and … Continue reading

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Family Constellations – a new offering coming soon! I’m exceptionally pleased to be facilitating this full day workshop – FOR THERAPISTS – on Family Constellations Therapy. Since this is a branch of work I’ve been studying for awhile now in order to provide it as an offering … Continue reading

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Doing the Work

Tomorrow I’ll be speaking at this conference in Bingley, Bradford, Leeds: I’m very excited about this opportunity. Many know that I travel and speak regarding many GSRD (gender, sexuality and relationship diversities) topics I’m working with. I’ve given workshops, … Continue reading

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Goodness I should blog more!

Well it transpires I’ve been saying I’d put my rates up for the best part of ~coughs~ two years. Well today I finally managed to pull my socks up and do so. I’ve been resisting fiercely for a long time … Continue reading

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Please help fund this initiative. Directly due to the wonderful individuals who have made contributions into the pay-it-forward fund, I have, this past month, been able to take on two more bursary clients from less privileged, oppressed minorities whether that be … Continue reading

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Anger management

This is something I get asked quite a bit about and below is a useful ‘worksheet’ of tips to help you. I can’t remember whence it came in order to credit it properly, but it’s something I’ve used effectively for … Continue reading

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Be you

Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is youer than you. Who doesn’t like a little ‘nonsense’ or a bit of Dr Seuss in life now and then? I was put in … Continue reading

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John Lewis advert ~ loneliness

Who do you know who may be alone for Christmas? John Lewis have done it again with a very well done, sentimental tear jerker with a sweet message. Hopefully it’ll prod lots of us to be sure to include our … Continue reading

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