Recently I had the honour of addressing a wonderful event: The Festival of Sexuality, held by Sexual Alchemy aka Rebecca Lowrie. It was wonderful! Lots of loveliness, deliciousness, and keenly sought after education. We received lots of lovely feedback for the Festival, and my presentation too!
HERE is the link to the event profile page on me, and in turn to Rebecca’s super cool website.
It was an elite, excellent group of presenters, including magnificent presenters in this field such as Barbara Carrellas and Mollena, so I was particularly honoured to be invited to talk.
My presentation was BDSM101 for beginners, showing how it’s not all Hollywood presumed whips and chains, and that it can simply be about physical sensations, (erotic, mental and emotional) and deeply connective energy and power exchange. Basically about simply adding deliciousness into your life and bedroom.

On the ‘Sex With My Ex Podcast’ the following week there was a great segment of feedback about the Festival, including a bit of ‘fanboy’ commentary about yours truly! Worth a listen and a chuckle HERE.

Earlier in the year I had the fun of recording a podcast with Rebecca Lowrie too, on the delectable topic of Taboo!
‘The Sexual Alchemy Podcast’ with Rebecca Lowrie: listen to Episode 56, Talking with DK Green on the subject of Taboo HERE.

Another exciting thing I did recently was give a workshop for Tantra4GayMen, within their TLA (Tantra Love Academy) community. The workshop has been edited and will be available to watch for members of that community.
The topic was education on transgender (men in particular), with a view to encouraging education and inclusion in their community. It was a profound opportunity to teach a room full of cisgender gay men with beautiful hearts, all about how to include trans men within their community.
I was proud to be invited, and grateful for such an excellent opportunity to advocate for more trans inclusion!
To join that community (if it’s of interest/relevance) go HERE.

Another exciting Podcast! This time with Ruby Rare’s Podcast, on CNM or consensual non-monogamy. We had a great chat, and it was very well received by the listeners. Ruby was awesome fun and we really dug into important issues around this topic.
Go HERE to listen to the Podcast!
Just felt to share some of the smashing sexuality educational fun stuff going on for me.
Feel free to ignore, or enjoy!