If you already know that you wish to book in for an assessment session with me, hit the button below now. (if no slots available please email dkgreen1967@gmail.com)

- WHAT: providing confidential, personal and Holistic Psychotherapy or Supervision for individuals, couples and moresomes (CNM [consensual non-monogamy]/polyamorous relationships), therapists and coaches. Discretion assured.
- NOTE: Also available as an experienced Consultant, Educator, Speaker and Facilitator (I’ve spoken / taught for 7 UK Universities, the NHS, and for many other national events and organisations. Get in touch if you would like me to speak, teach, facilitate or hold a workshop for you. Also an Author.
- WHERE: currently online only via Zoom or Skype, whether local, national or international. In person only when pandemic restrictions allow and I feel the risk is minimal; shielding.
- WHEN: at a mutually convenient time for you and me. One hour, between the hours of 10am and 8pm, Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Weekly or fortnightly.
- WHY: focusing on self-development and personal growth. Dealing with pattern repeating, childhood issues, trauma, abuse, bereavement and loss, sexuality, sexual issues/trauma/abuse, gender, anger, anxiety, depression, stress and relationships. Also diversity, intersectional and situational struggles.
- NOTE: I also do ‘walking therapy’ when possible outdoors, provide longer sessions ad hoc where needed, and finally I run one-on-one Intensives for individual clients over two days. If you would like further information on this offerings, please use the contact page.
- APPROACH: I utilize tools within our sessions as appropriate and relevant for you as the client. I work from an Integrative perspective, coming from core psycho-dynamic training but pulling on specific tools and resources that I incorporate from other theories, dependent on individual client needs. Psycho-education, equipping you with understanding, skills, techniques and strategies. Other skills/tools at my disposal may be offered if appropriate or relevant to a particular client.
- VOLUNTARY WORK: I provided Counselling on a voluntary basis on behalf of the charity M.I.N.D. for two years.
- PATREON: I also run a Patreon (please become a Patron and help fund this vital work) so that I can offer (limited) part-bursary paid places for those less privileged by reason of gender, sexuality, ability, race.
- SUPERVISION: personal supervision provides somewhere for the therapist to discuss or seek advice from professional peers. It is recommended within industry guidelines for both your protection, and ours. Note: supervisory conversations are kept 100% confidential via client anonymity.
- TRAINING: I am a passionate advocate for C.P.D. (continuous professional development). This means I continue with training courses and further ongoing training in as many areas as I can manage to fit in. For example I completed an excellent 40 hour bereavement counselling course. I have completed many additional training courses; for example mental health awareness, self harm, trauma in the body, etc. I also completed the two year PGDip (Post Graduate Diploma) in GSRD (Gender, sexuality, relationship diversities) with Pink Therapy. I am also an Advanced Accredited Therapist and a Clinical Associate with Pink Therapy.
- OTHER SKILLS: additional studies in N.L.P. (neuro-linguistic programming), life coaching and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy. Useful, additional skills in my tool-kit for assisting you to overcome your personal challenges. I’ve even taught clients to meditate.
- DIVERSITY: some topics are traditionally shied away from during counselling. Clients are concerned that they may be judged or pathologized when discussing certain topics. For the record I have a thorough grasp and familiar grounding within many areas, therefore you need not worry that your ‘issue’ is something I might not understand. LGBTQIA+ (including diversities such as intersex, ace’, aro’ etc) CNM/ENM (consensual/ethical non-monogamy) including polyamory, spirituality, transgender, tantra, role-play or power exchange, kink/fetish, BDSM, and Leather. Intersectionality within complexities of culture, physical ability, health, and neurodivergence are also well within my fields of experience. If in doubt that your particular challenge is something I’d be willing to help you with, please feel free to just ask.
- SPIRITUALITY: those who know me from elsewhere will testify that I have a certain level of spiritual understanding (not religion). My understanding of spirituality encompass meditation, shamanism, paganism, and Tarot as a life path progression and self-development tool, being a Celebrant (for handfastings, name blessings etc.,) and more. For some people this is irrelevant. I include it here because for some it is relevant. Ask for more information.