
  • Update 12th of July 2023
    DK Green’s counselling website will be up and running again over the next 48 hours. Thank you for bearing with us while this website migrates to a new host. In the meantime, if you would like to book an a counselling or assessment session please go to: If you … Read more
  • Residential Retreat 2022, Earth-Based Spiritualities
    A second spiritual offering to share… At long last, after the two year long haul of being unable to gather together in person for our wonderful annual residential retreat, Oak Spirit Gatherings is finally happening again! This June 23rd to 26th 2022 will be our fourth event, ‘Sacred Waters‘. Just … Read more
  • Spirituality and Circle
    Happy to share some wonderful things that are happening in the spiritual side of my work with you all. It’s open-up time for newcomers to my online Annual Self-Development Circle! It’s so exciting to be travelling around the wheel again with a group of both current and new Circle members. … Read more
  • The Festival of Sexuality, 3 Podcasts, and Tantra4GayMen!
    Recently I had the honour of addressing a wonderful event: The Festival of Sexuality, held by Sexual Alchemy aka Rebecca Lowrie. It was wonderful! Lots of loveliness, deliciousness, and keenly sought after education. We received lots of lovely feedback for the Festival, and my presentation too! HERE is the link … Read more
  • People
    Everyone grows and changes. Relationships change shape, shift, begin and end. People come into and out of your life, some stay awhile, some remain for all their, or our own, lives. Those we’re blessed enough to keep in our lives grow, shift and change themselves too. Some pass over, actually … Read more