Spirituality and Circle

a picture in woodlands, green background, DK sat in a green hat and nature colours patchwork shawl, with his shamanic journey drum and a smile.

Happy to share some wonderful things that are happening in the spiritual side of my work with you all.

Circle 2022.
Multi-cultural hands clasped in a circle, wording 'join our community and experience growth, and deep exploration as we travel around the wheell

It’s open-up time for newcomers to my online Annual Self-Development Circle! It’s so exciting to be travelling around the wheel again with a group of both current and new Circle members. Shamanic journeys, deep-dive self-development, crafts, education and learning together – we all learn from one another. Bringing the whole of myself into this work; the psychotherapist, the shamanic practitioner, the GSRD (gender, sex, relationship diversity) expertise, as always I exist in the liminal spaces with ‘a foot in both worlds’. Link to read all about it and apply to join us is also at the bottom of this post.

Keep reading!

a spiral of stones, seeds, leaves and twigs on the ground, with the wording 'allow, allow, allow. Don't wallow or swallow, just allow'

Once a month we meet up on Zoom for a full 10am – 4pm full day (with comfort breaks) of Circle work together. The rest of the month we have solitary and group work to do, and an online space where we can share and grow together (currently a Facebook group), and even a WhatsApp Circle chat group for sharing pictures and thoughts, happenings and support, growing and socialising together! It’s a real community of folk committed to travelling the year together and learning from one another.

a half mask with the wording beside it, 'we all wear masks in everyday life as the strong, single parent, the capable entrepreneur, the disabled person who manages their pain, the racialised person who deals with microaggressions, the neurodivergent person who has to present allistic. Circle is a space where your mask can drop, and you can discover what it means to be yourself'

I open up the Circle to new members only once a year, thereafter (until the following year) it’s a closed group so that we can develop a safe, familiar, intimate working space together. Currently open but only until the end of May, jump in before you miss your chance!

a pencil outline nude figure, subtle. Wording, 'Unmask and explore the power of your sexual energy'.
screenshot quote from the 'sex with my ex' podcast saying, 'spent part of the morning listening to DK Leather present on BDSM101. And WOW what deliciousness we were served! (2 pages of notes to be precise!). Could've listened to you speak on the subject for hours! Thank you, thank you, thank you' (heart emoji)

We don’t shy away from adult conversation around the sacred or spiritual in regards to sexuality! Many of us recognise that these things are intertwined. Remember that this Circle happens to be trans led, and is a space where diversity is the norm, and all flavour of queer is welcome. ALL are welcome in all your intersectionalities and diversities whether that be via gender, sexuality, culture, disability, neurodivergence, chronic illness… truly ALL are welcome as it’s by this we all learn from one another the deepest.

ALWAYS show up just as you are whether that be happy, sad, frustrated, angry, joyous… it’s an important part of the process. We SHARE these things together in Circle, and someone will always resonate or learn from something you say. Just show up and trust the process.

If you’d like to know more, do go read all about it and apply to join if you feel called to, HERE.

a drawn graphic of figures stood in a circle upon a circle of stones. The wording, 'in the circle we are all equal, when in the circle, no one is in front no one is behind, no one is above, no one is below'
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