Be you

Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is youer than you.

Who doesn’t like a little ‘nonsense’ or a bit of Dr Seuss in life now and then?


I was put in mind of this quote when my youngest daughter Lina took me out for a smashing day yesterday. We enjoyed the cinema and a meal out together. At one point, wandering through the mall together I was struck by the fabulous array of colours both in the background on a wall, and of her hair. So I took this shot and thought I’d share it.

What better example of being ‘youer than you’ could I ask for? That she’s comfortable enough to shine in her own colours. It certainly gave ME pause for thought, so maybe you should spare a thought too? What are your true colours? How can you welcome them, love them, and enjoy allowing them to truly ‘shine’?


Thank you

Would you like to work with me to discover your true colours? Contact me.

DK x

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