“Pay It Forward”


A little background story…

I’ve seen several of these pay it forward kindness videos (see below) in recent months and frankly it gave me sincere pause for thought. I began to wonder how *I* could do something good like this. How could *I* ‘pay it forward’… and I hit upon an idea.

I do try to undertake whatever pro-bono (unpaid) work that I am able, from giving up one day per week (for the charity MIND for two years) to giving important educational talks freely when I’m able, to allowing for one pro-bono client every week. I also offer a discounted fee for clients in financial hardship and I undertake Skype sessions with clients for whom travel is either a physical, emotional or financial issue.

I feel very strongly that it’s important to do whatever I can to help make therapy accessible to all, including those lesser privileged i.e. minorities whether social, racial, of differing abilities or diverse gender or sexualities. But I still didn’t feel I was doing as much as I can.

THIS is a way that I – and YOU – can enable more of that work.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPGD9uIqqLI&w=560&h=315]

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffgA-w2VUO8&w=560&h=315]

The idea was fostered by a client who – completely altruistically – ‘paid it forward’ by paying for a friend in need to have some sessions with me. I was so touched by this gesture, an honest wish simply to help someone, that I have worked out a way to incorporate it within my work.

Here’s how!

ANYONE, be they client past or present can at any time simply ‘overpay’ for their session; any overpayment will go into a separate fund set up solely to help pay for counselling for someone else, who genuinely needs to access it but truly cannot afford to.

Let me reiterate that clearly.

YOU can – by paying a little bit over (IF you’re in a position to and want to do so), from simply £1 up to a full session fee or more – pay for someone ELSE to do some work with me who otherwise would not be able to. Bear in mind these clients would be automatically receiving a discount from me, so that I can also personally contribute to each pay-it-forward session you enable!

IF you are not a client but simply someone who understands the value of the work I do and genuinely wishes to contribute to this program allowing others to access it, I WILL be setting up a Patreon page for this very purpose, so please do watch this space for when that option becomes available, but meanwhile if you really want to contribute to this pay-it-forward kitty NOW, then please do feel free to use the Paypal link below and be sure to add a note saying ‘pay it forward’!


Thank you. I vow to continue to do the work that I do and with YOUR help to enable access to it for those in need but less able to access therapy by themselves!

~doffs cap~

DK x

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