
“I read a meme the other day that said “I found out who my therapist’s therapist was, then found out who their therapist was and kept going until I found the ultimate boss therapist to sort my sh*t out.”

As a therapist, I definitely needed a therapist with experience of holding space for therapists and DK did just this for me and whilst he’d be too modest to accept the title of boss therapist, I am sure he’d agree that providing therapy for therapists is a special skill. 

I really appreciated his skill, patience, capacity for giving me a strong nudge when I needed it and his sense of humour and kindness.

If you need a therapist who can meet you where you are at – wherever that may be, then DK would be my recommendation.”



“I have been lucky enough to work with DK for 10 years now. The beauty of this is that he knows me and my ups and downs, he remembers my trauma when I don’t want to, he has a wonderful way of listening without judgement, holding space enough for you to fully explore your feelings and emotions and picking you up when you fall or giving you the gifts to pick yourself back up.

Healing is never linear, much like life isn’t; however DK has guided me through the worst parts of my life into the best parts of my life. Has allowed me to depend on myself more, trust myself more and like if not love myself more. Even now I may not depend on him as much, however knowing that I can reach out and he will make time for me is a wonderful tool to have and because he knows me so well at this stage, he is able to cut through everything and guide me directly where I need to be.

I will always depend on this wonderful insightful person, who I truly believe saves lives. He offers a truly holistic form of therapy and therefore allows you to see you as a whole person – to realise and heal trauma’s that perhaps you didn’t know were there and truly heal.

Healing is never linear, but since meeting DK I have never had to walk that path alone. I am a better, stronger and wiser person for knowing him.”

Nichola H


“Thank you so much for all your help so far – it has made a massive difference to the way I see things and think about them as well as feel, and my confidence has grown. I think I can deal with some things better and am learning to allow myself time with things. Our conversations have changed some of my life :)”


“I came to you already too late; in crisis, and I don’t use the term crisis lightly. To feel safe enough to express my thoughts, air my questions, to be able to be honest about my emotions; that’s a huge weight already lifted. I know I’ll need to come back to do some more work together, but to get to a point where I do not feel embarrassed and can make my own admissions without feeling ashamed, that’s massive for me. Encouragement when I needed it. I can now face each day, even though some are still hard, but I can face each day with the will to succeed through it, rather than the dark days I had. Thanks is too little a word.”
Helen Finnerty


“Dear DK,
I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me. I came to you hoping that you could help me through a particularly difficult time but you have done so much more than that.
I have been able to change so many unhelpful and negative beliefs about myself and I feel like a new person, stronger and more sure of myself. I am better able to make the choices I want and because of this I am much happier and more at peace with myself.
It is all much better and more amazing than I’m making it sound. You’ve made a huge difference.
Thank you.”


“DK facilitated the sharing circle at a recent team meeting. He held a very strong space which allowed all of us to participate fully; he offered direction when needed, made timely interventions and his feedback was both insightful & inspiring. He combined humour, heartfelt presence & facilitation skills to give us the space and permission that we needed for our meeting. We certainly recommend DK as an expert facilitator.”
Sue & Hilly @ Shakti Tantra.


“DK led an informative and interactive session on the theme of gender for a group of youth leaders. He encouraged the group to reflect on their own thoughts on how gender issues impact on their lives and he shared many personal experiences on the subject.”
Rev John Harley – Unitarian Youth Coordinator


“DK, thanks for your heartfelt, compassionate and wise facilitation through some challenging issues. As well as your gentle yet ‘firm when needed’ lead, I really appreciated how you saw the dynamics through fresh eyes supporting me to see new perspectives I would have no hesitation recommending you. A heartfelt thanks to you DK!”
Sarah Rose Bright


“When presenting on gender to our Youth Leaders’ group, DK challenged our thinking assertively and respectfully. When he’s holding space at a workshop I feel safe knowing that he’s there to support us.”
Mr R Gretton


“DK Green a scholar and a gentleman! A most wonderful and helpful counsellor, who has helped me get through some tough times of late. A good listener, who pays close attention to what I am saying and is very tactful and sympathetic when I am struggling to explain myself.

DK has helped me to better understand what my personal problems are, their possible source and assisted me in finding my own solutions to them.

One of DK’s major strengths is empathy. He is able to understand and respect my personal beliefs, my lifestyle choices (some of which could be described as being alternative) and my problems without coming across as judgmental or critical. DK has this manner which puts you as ease and allows you to open up and trust him with your inner most thoughts.

I must stress that have seen many counsellors over the years and without doubt, DK is one of the best!”


(Mr DK Green, please take this as my express permission to use my words of sincere gratitude in any way you choose in order to help others that need your expertise)

“I came to you with over 20 years of deep rooted, secret fears, compulsions and addictions; they were damaging my relationships, my health, my finances, my future and in turn, the lives of those closest to me.

Being an intelligent and successful person, it completely baffled me how I could not help myself – repeatedly sabotaging my efforts, what was wrong with me? I tried hypnotherapy, hypno-analysis, alternative healing and of course sheer will power and yet could not see in to the darkness to uncover what was deeply and repeatedly troubling my core and driving me to sabotage – I felt hopeless, as a business owner, spiritualist, wife and friend, I knew I needed expert help…

When we met, I knew you were the best qualified Therapist to work with me. Things had to change and I decided by booking (and paying for) a course of 6 sessions, I would ‘have to’ attend and complete the journey of transformation.

Naturally I was nervous and apprehensive of bearing my best kept secrets to another person. You asked me to trust your approach and techniques to skilfully guide me in the safest way through tricky life experiences, childhood memories, emotional awakenings, deep soul searching and current realisations. I trusted you as I knew how many others you’d helped over the years.

Despite there being 100 miles between us, your flexibility, open minded approach and extensive knowledge in so many life areas made it a ‘true awakening’ on every level. Little did I know how desperately unaware I was of the underlying repressions, insecurities, emotions and experiences that had shaped me in to a troubled being.

Six intense counselling sessions later, it is safe to say that we succeeded beyond belief to release my mind, body and soul where so many failed for so long. I am finally free to express myself and move forward with my life in truth, honesty and strength. The relief, even months later, is still an emotion that will stay with me and remind me of how far I have come… I am truly and eternally grateful.

I remember how desperately unhappy I felt back then and how delightedly different I feel now and encourage anyone who has any issue, problem, habit or bad pattern causing them to feel troubled – get in touch with DK Green today. I wholeheartedly recommend him as a professional, discreet, compassionate Counselling expert who will get you where you want to be and fast… Change is absolutely possible, you have to take the first step and believe.”
Mrs V Allum, Northants UK


“A very positive experience for me when I was in a strange place following the death of my father. DK helped me to put my fussy head into some sort of order. Counselling made me feel less angry and gave me techniques to deal with the anger I was feeling at the time. I found DK very easy to talk to and very professional. I would highly recommend.”
Male client K, husband and father


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